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Thursday, October 25, 2012


Welcome to hippie.chic!

                  (Currently listening to Bon Iver radio on Pandora)

I'm so honored you've chosen to follow along with me on my day-to-day journeys.

I've been told by many people, for a long time, to do something like this. To find a way to show everyone my passions and beauty secrets, because if you know me, "passionate" is a very good describing word.

I live for the days when I find that perfect shirt that lays flawlessly over a pair of skinny jeans and some riding boots. Then I find so much joy in adding that belt that ties in the boots and putting on my go-to long rhinestone cross necklace and picking out which skinny rings to wear depending on whether I'm going for a silver, gold, or rose look...then I look at my earring wall and choose the ones that jump out at me, begging to be worn. My favorite is deciding which watch to wear with my bracelets as they are my ultimate accessory. Then on to hair and makeup...that's a whole other wonderful journey for me each morning!

It's the little things in life that make you happy that matter the most, right?

I'm hoping to provide useful tips that I use each day when creating my "vision" of the look I decide on the night before. I have so much fun trying out new ideas and concepts and experimenting with mixing outfits up and trying new makeup and hair ideas. Please let me know what you think of each day's outfit, which is what I'm planning on doing...taking a picture at some point during the day of my outfit, hair, and makeup and blogging about that as well as my day and thoughts that have risen during that day. Some of them may be VERY random...I apologize in advance. :) 

My boyfriend, Alex, tells me that I digress a lot when I speak. I think it's just because my brain is so excited about so many things all at once and wants to get it all out as fast as humanly possible! ha! 

Most of you know me very well, but for those of you that don't, I am 25 (26 in a month!). I live in Highlands Ranch, CO with my wonderful boyfriend Alex and we couldn't be happier. We're very blessed to have found each other and to get to share our lives together. The perk is that we're best friends!

I work in the mortgage industry and even though it isn't even slightly related to what I'll be blogging about, I actually really enjoy it and love the people I work with! It makes the days go by much quicker when you enjoy what you do!

I have danced for the majority of my life and it is a passion of mine that keeps growing as I continue to grow! I recently have had two foot surgeries...both were genetics related and I've only made them worse by doing yoga and dance for many years. But after both feet are healed, which are healing very well already, I should be feeling better than I ever have and able to dance and yoga my brains out! :) I go to an amazing studio owned by a girlfriend of mine called TAPS...if you're ever interested in coming (whatever skill level is welcome) let me know! I'd love to introduce you to it! It brings me so much joy.

I am a devoted Christian and love living my life with and through God. I've never been the type to push my religion on others, so I hope I never come off that way. I am just so happy with the utmost bliss that my relationship with Jesus brings me on a regular basis and how close I feel to my church and the members of the congregation. It's like having a huge family sharing in your hopes and beliefs. Wonderful.

I am an only child and even though I hated it when I was younger, it was a blessing in disguise. I have gained a relationship with both of my parents that is so much more than a parent/child normal dynamic. They truly are two of the best friends I could ever dream up and I'm so thankful for all that they have given me and taught me and for making me the woman I am today.

There will be no rhyme or reason to my posts. Mostly just random, like myself. :)

I plan on going through my closet and taking pictures of my favorite items and telling you about them, such as where it's from, how much it was, and where you can find it, as well as what you could pair it with to make an outfit!

I also plan on making a few video tutorials on makeup and hair as I get asked frequently, "how do you do that?"and it's such an honor to hear that. It's why I'm doing this whole blog! 
So, thank you. If there's anything you'd like me to do a tutorial on, please, let me know!

I grew up with very little self esteem and confidence and for the longest time wondered if I'd ever have any. Through a lot of self-work and surrounding myself with positive people that lift me up, I am finally so happy with the person I am and hope to share that joy with you!

Thank you for joining and I can't wait to hear your comments!

Here's today's couch outfit/makeup/hair...Although I was in a lot of pain and icing all day, I had a very pleasant time watching Pretty Little Liars episodes (I'm obsessed), drinking chocolate hazelnut/almond milk tea, doing my hair, nails, and makeup all while sitting on my comfy couch with the snow falling down! 

Here's today's couch outfit/makeup/hair...

My nails even matched my lipstick! :)

Sweet dreams, all. Thanks for tuning in. 
Talk to ya tomorrow. <3


  1. So cute! Can't wait to see all your posts :)

  2. Thanks cuz. I hope you're liking my posts so far! :) Love you!
