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Friday, October 26, 2012

How do you define "style"?

(Currently listening to: Today's Hip-Hop and Pop Hits Radio - Pandora)


What is it that makes you feel "stylish"?

I feel that everyone has style even if they don't feel it.
You may not know how to "style" yourself, but depending on one's personality, each person has their own unique and awesome sense of style.

To me it all depends on the mood I'm in that day. The weather also plays a huge part in it since CO can have major mood swings from one day to the next!

I saw this outfit today and it immediately jumped out of the screen at me! GET ON MY BODY! :)

You may be thinking, Mollie, that's a little out many pain killers are you actually on?!
But, this just screams STYLE to me!

Finding something such as this starry night skirt or a piece that grabs attention and building around it is how I start my outfit picking each day.

The cardigan is my favorite type of clothing that I own, by far. I have them in a variety of colors and find that it can be added to any type of style from fancy to casual and tie it together. My favorite way to wear it is with a graphic tee underneath, skinny jeans or leggings and a cute casual shoe like a pair of Vans or a riding boot.

The tank she is wearing under the cardigan is also another essential part of my closet. I have wide-strapped tanks in every color from white to lime green. They're perfect to add under a light jacket, a blazer, a sheer shirt, a sweater with a deep V (if you're not wanting to show off too much of the girls), or again an easy go-to cardigan!

I get the majority of my solid colored staple pieces from Target. That place is a Heaven/Hell scenario for me. I can't even walk by the women's clothing/shoes/accessories sections without grabbing something. They so reasonably priced and are continually upping their fashion grade! Although I wouldn't recommend spending too much on shoes there (my favorite pair of boots are from there and have ripped from wear and tear - literally).

I digress. Back to the outfit...she paired this with casual tennis shoe heals and a fun pair of dangle earrings and this now would work for any type of situation - casual lunch date to night out on the town!

Don't be afraid to put pieces together in your closet that you would normally turn your nose down at when thinking of them together. You'll be surprised at how fun mixing things together can be! Mix colors, textures, casual with fancy, and have FUN with what you wear! You'll feel that much better in it 
if you had fun planning it.

Now my question to all of you...

What is it that you do in your routine 
that makes you feel "stylish?

I'd LOVE to hear your answers!

Sweet Dreams, talk soon.


  1. That is a good piece of advice my dear, to put things that you wouldn't think go together in one outfit and see what happens. I try to, and people say things like "I couldn't pull that off." But how do you know until you try? I never try to think about whether I can pull things off or not, just if I like it or not.

  2. You've always been the master of this. I hear that phrase a lot too, "I couldn't pull that off." But as you know, it's so much fun and so easy to mix outfit pieces together to form a "new" one! It keeps you from becoming bored with your closet choices and feeling the need to go shopping every day. I would if I could, but I'd also be living in a refrigerator box on the side of the road...very well dressed though. ;) I commend you for wearing things for YOU and how you feel in it! If you feel good in what you're wearing, you exude confidence in that outfit and it's good news all the way around! <3
